Careers in Health


Careers in Health Offered at College of Health and Allied Development

  • Bachelor of science level Registered Nurse
  • Nursing assistants
  • Home Health Aides
  • Biomedical Research Associate
  • Biomedical technologist
  • Pharmaceutical research associate
  • Biological research associate
  • Case management assistant
  • Psychology assistant
  • Aging Care worker
  • Community Health Worker (Public health assistant)
  • Addiction counsellor
  • Recovery coach




Course Descriptions

Program Title: Registered Nurse to Bachelors of Science Nursing (BSN)

(60 Semester Hours)

 Program Description

The Registered Nurse to Bachelors of Science Degree in Nursing (BSN) program is designed to facilitate career mobility for the Registered Nurse. The program is designed to provide the educational experiences that will prepare graduates to proceed into administrative and supervisory positions in the nursing and health care fields

 Entry to Registered Nurse to Bachelors of Science Degree in Nursing (BSN) program requires a student to be a graduate of an RN or Associates Degree program with a minimum of a 3.0 GPA hold a current state of Florida Registered Nursing license. The acceptance of previous course work for credit will be determined by the accepting institution, the College of Health and Allied Development on an individual basis.

Students will be required to complete courses in the areas of general education courses, pre-requisite courses, core nursing courses and professional nursing courses to complete the 60 semester hour program.

 The entire Bridge program is four (4) semesters long comprising of Four (4) general education courses, four (4) required courses and twelve (12) professional nursing courses equaling 60 semester hours.

Areas of study can include nursing administration and management, critical thinking, community health, research, health care finance and leadership.


Course Descriptions

SPC 218    Public Speaking                    3 Credit Hours

In this course students will learn and demonstrate the principles of speech preparation, organization and delivery are reviewed. Student will practice specialized types of speech communication experiences common to those called on to speak in public.


ENG 202    English Composition II                3 Credit Hours

In this course students will be introduced to skills and techniques used for critical, persuasive and research writing. After successfully completing the course, students should demonstrate increased ability in writing; analyzing and composing non-fictional text and have the ability to write a persuasive research essays.


PSY 214    Psychology                        3 Credit Hours

This course introduces psychological theories from behavioristic, humanistic and biological viewpoints.  Primary focus is on exploring how selected principles of psychology apply to students’ personal lives and social behavior. Students apply the skills of critical thinking, observation and information gathering and analysis as they practice social science and scientific methodology.


SOC 206    Sociology                        3 Credit Hours

This course provides a practical framework and a personal method for ethical thinking and decision-making on issues in contemporary society.  Students will analyze some of the major ethical dilemmas of the modern world.


HLT 201 Community Health Education                3 Credit Hours

Students in this course will be introduced to Untied States community health system and related educational functions. Students will review the historical and organizational makeup of county, state and federal community health programs and community functions.


Required Courses


PHA 309    Pharmacology                    3 Credit Hours

This is a course that builds on the principles of pharmacology learned in the students RN program. Pharmacokinetic factors in drug therapy are examined in relation to the major body systems and management of client health. Medication regulations, major drug classification prototypes and the related nursing implications are reviewed and discussed.


NUR 302    Transitions to Professional Nursing         3 Credit Hours

A general survey course that provides a brief introduction to the key topics presented in a BSN program. This course assists the nurse to delineate professional nursing through subject areas taught at the bachelor’s level. The focus of this course is on the role of the nurse as the leader and manager and allows reflection on the current state of nursing practice.


STA 304    Statistics                        3 Credit Hours

Topics include probability, random variables, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, correlation, linear regression, small sample methods, and non-parametric statistics. Students will learn how statistical evaluations are utilized for developing, planning and implementing programs.


Professional Nursing Courses


NUR 302    General Pathophysiology                3 Credit Hours   

This course introduces the student to the pathophysiologic disruptions that result in the signs and symptoms of a disease in the human body across the lifespan. Assessment and analysis of objective and subjective manifestations of common health problems resulting from environmental, genetic and stress-related mal-adaptations are analyzed. Diagnostic assessments are discussed for each disease process.


NUR 310    Clinical Decision Making (Critical Thinking)    3 Credit Hours

This course provides a conceptual understanding of the logical and critical thought processes required of the professional nurse. Students will build on the critical thinking coursework they learned in nursing foundations. Coursework will include individual and group projects designed to expand student decision making.


NUR 314 Nursing in a Multicultural Society            3 Credit Hours

This is a course that explores philosophical differences found in different cultures, religions and gender groups that may impact the health and health beliefs of clients. Additionally, this course explores the nurse’s role in providing culturally sensitive care.


NUR 320    Advanced Health Assessment            3 Credit Hours

In this course students will focus on complete health assessment, nursing process, health education and disease detection throughout the life span.


NUR 330    Nursing Administration and Management        3 Credit Hours

This course provides an introduction to the basic principles of leadership and management related to health care. In this course students will explore the interconnected processes of thinking systematically, developing thoughtful judgment and exercising leadership. Competencies needed to succeed in the nursing leadership role in multipart organizations are analyzed and applied to clinical scenarios. Students utilize self-reflection to evaluate their own leadership potential and apply concepts through discussions and class assignments.


NUR 400    Nursing Perspectives and Global Trends        3 Credit Hours

This course is an introduction to the current health care delivery systems on local, regional, national and global levels. Health care economics and health care policy plus their impacts on for profit health care models are reviewed. Growth of HMO's and health care systems in other countries are examined.


NUR 410 Health Care Finance                    3 Credit Hours

In this course students will be introduced to the policies and politics of healthcares three persistent issues access, cost and quality. Students will learn the roles of patients, physicians, hospitals, insurers, and pharmaceutical companies. The interaction between the government and these different groups will also be reviewed. The new legislation in healthcare and the effect the legislation has on entities will be discussed.


NUR 426 Nursing Research                     3 Credit Hours

This course is designed to promote the student’s understanding of the research process, using critical judgment. Upon completion of the course the student should be able to review and utilize research findings in nursing and other disciplines which are relevant to clinical practice. Ethical, moral and legal issues are considered in relation to nursing research.


NUR 444    Applied Healthcare Ethics                3 Credit Hours

Students in this course will examine, through case studies, ethical dilemmas in health care and the decision making processes involved in clinical, professional and organizational ethics. This course explores philosophical and faith based foundations including moral traditions, socio-cultural influences, professional codes, organizational and personal ethical standards.


NUR 450    Nursing Leadership and Management        3 Credit Hours

This course prepares the student to coordinate and manage client care in diverse health care settings. Emphasis is placed on leadership and management theory and related skills, collaboration, delegation, coordination and evaluation of multi-disciplinary work and the application of outcome-based nursing practice.


NUR 460    Community Health Nursing                3 Credit Hours

The role of the nurse in dealing with family in crisis, gerontological issues, child bearing and child rearing family units and medical-surgical situations is explored. Historical, legal and ethical issues affecting adult/gerontological nursing are reviewed. Research on community nursing and its application to varied groups of clients within the community are examined. Students will investigate their community and its health care delivery system comparing results in the class.


NUR 470    Nursing Capstone Experience            3 Credit Hours

The Capstone in the BSN program concentrates on strategic planning concepts as they apply to professional nursing practice. The course will prepare the student to apply the knowledge, skills and abilities learned from the previous courses in the Bachelors of Science in nursing program to nursing leadership role. This course will be taken in the last term of the BSN program and is presented in a seminar format.

Optional General Education courses


ECO 250    Economics                        3 Credit Hours

This course focuses on the principles of economics while exploring the economic history of the United States, the types of economies that exists, resources and utilization, markets and trade. This course also explores incomes among economic variables such as demand, supply, productivity, growth, inflation, to name a few.

LIT 251    Contemporary literature                3 Credit Hours

This course is designed to help the scholar identify what makes a writing contemporary, factors that affect the interpretation of a text, and the impact of current technologies on contemporary literature.  Faculty will identify contemporary text for examination.


LIT 252    American Literature                3 Credit Hours

This course focuses on the advent of the American literature, the inclusion of non-fiction; examines the role of poetry, short stories, visuals, culture etc. in the role of American Literary development. Examines diction, arguments, and use of resources.


LIT 253    Caribbean literature                3 Credit Hours

This course examines the history of the Caribbean and the influences on its literature. The course covers work from various islands in the Caribbean, and a book is chosen for analysis of the style, diction, format, presentation and the role of the cultural and geographic influence on the writings.


LIT 254    Hispanic-American Literature            3 Credit Hours

This course focuses on the Spanish-speaking Americas from the time of Columbus to Latin American Independence, this Very Short Introduction explores the origins of Latin American literature from the discovery period to Latin-American independence, and how Spanish literary language developed and flourished in the modern era.


ENG 255    Poetry                        3 Credit Hours

This course focuses on the elements of poetry, critical reading, and writing focused on poetry. Poetry infused with current slangs, contemporary stylings, humor, and universal topics are explored.


ETH 335    Contemporary ethical issues            3 Credit Hours

This course focuses on ethical subjects such as religion, utilitarianism, deontology, natural law ethics, virtue ethics, non-Western paradigms, feminist ethics, and care ethics. The course examines current ethical topics including euthanasia, sexual morality, economic justice, animal ethics, war, violence, globalization, same-sex marriage, structural racism, factory farming, pacifism, and global distributive justice.


MAN 215   Principals of Management and Human Relations      3 Credit Hours

This course is an overview of the discipline and field of human resource development and management and how it applies to the field of nursing. The course outlines the roles interpersonal relationships, leadership skills and problem solving regarding areas of employee counseling, discipline and termination. Equal Employment Opportunity will be discussed in order for the student to understand its need, importance and the legal issues surrounding it.


EVS 242    Environmental Science                3 Credit Hours

This course focuses on the science behind various environments, environmental events, and environmental issues. Environmental science course also includes data environmental data analysis.


SHS 104    Human Growth and Development        3 Credit Hours

This course focuses on the concepts and theories of life span development, the stages of human growth and development, developmental milestones at each stage of life, and practical applications of human growth and development to counseling and tailoring care and interactions with clients of any age, from toddlers to seniors

Based on the unique needs and abilities of each life stage.


SHS 124    Contemporary health issues            3 Credit Hours

This course focuses on issues affecting health in present times in areas including Healthcare reform, Women’s health, male’s health, reproduction, Bio-technology, bio-medicine, physical medicine, mental health, and public health and its social, political, and environmental dimensions.


The Bachelors of Science Degree in Nursing (BSN) program


Program Description


The Bachelors of Science Degree in Nursing (BSN) program is designed to facilitate career mobility for the Registered professional nurse. The program is designed to provide the educational experiences that will prepare graduates to proceed into advanced practice, administrative, and supervisory positions in the nursing and health care fields


Entry to the Bachelors of Science Degree in Nursing (BSN) program requires a student to have completed high school or obtained GED. The acceptance of previous course work for credit will be determined by the accepting institution, the College of Health and Allied Development on an individual basis.


Students will be required to complete courses in the areas of general education courses, pre-requisite courses, core nursing courses, professional nursing courses, and the NCLEX review to complete the 163 semester hour program.


The content of the BSN course includes but is not limited to: theoretical instruction, scenario-based learning, virtual simulation, clinical simulation, and clinical experience in medical, surgical, obstetric, pediatric, and geriatric nursing across various settings including acute care, long term care, community settings, and home settings.


The entire Bachelors of Science Degree in Nursing (BSN) program is ten (10) semesters long comprising of Eight (8) pre-requisite courses; ten (10) general education courses, four (4) required courses and twenty-five (25) professional nursing courses equaling 163 semester hours, and mandatory NCLEX review course at the end of the program.

Course Descriptions


ENG 100        APA                        1 Credit Hours

This course introduces students to the acceptable level of writing, the ethics of writing, reducing bias in writing, proper formatting, citation, and referencing in writing.

ENG 101        English Composition I            2 Credit Hours

This course prepares students for scholarly writing including sentence structure, grammar, writing research, and designing written work to clearly express thought, sequence, and for effect.


NUT 213        Nutrition                    3 Credit Hours

This course focuses on macronutrients, vitamins, minerals, food safety, nutrition throughout the lifespan, and how nutrition affects health.


AP 157        Anatomy and Physiology 1        3 Credit Hours

This course focuses on three aspects of the anatomy and its functions: How the body is organized from the cellular level to the structure of the organ; the support systems including the skeletal system, joints, and muscles; and the control systems of the body including the nervous systems and the endocrine system.


AP 257        Anatomy and Physiology 2        3 Credit Hours

This course focuses on two aspects of anatomy and physiology: The maintenance systems that includes the functions of the systems in the body; and the reproductive systems and the process of inheritance.


MIC 158        Clinical Microbiology            3 Credit Hours

This course introduces the student to microbes, microbial structures, microbial genetics, microbial metabolism, immunology, vaccines, novel and emerging infections, anti-biotics, anti-virals, anti-fungals, and other anti-microbial drugs.


BIC 159        Biochemistry                3 Credit Hours

This course focuses on foundational biochemical principles, DNA sequencing, manipulation, and gene expression; metabolic pathways and interactions; and the effect of biochemistry in diseases.


ALG 222        College Algebra                3 Credit hours

This course begins with a review of developmental algebra and transitions into the college level algebra.

NUR 100        Fundamentals of nursing            6 credit hours

This course focuses on the foundations of nursing principles, concepts, and skills, and introduces the student nurse to the environment of care, care planning, goal-setting, outcomes, priorities, teamwork and collaboration.

PSY 214        Psychology                    3 Credit Hours

This course introduces psychological theories from behavioristic, humanistic and biological viewpoints.  Primary focus is on exploring how selected principles of psychology apply to students’ personal lives and social behavior. Students apply the skills of critical thinking, observation and information gathering and analysis as they simulation and practice social science and scientific methodology.


SOC 206        Sociology                    3 Credit Hours

This course provides a practical framework and a personal method for ethical thinking and decision-making on issues in contemporary society.  Students will analyze some of the major ethical dilemmas of the modern world.

NUR 210        Medical/Surgical Nursing 1            6 Credit Hours

This course prepares the nurse for providing comfort and assistance in the performance of activities of daily living; conducting patient assessments: monitoring patients for physical, cognitive, psychosocial, functional, educational, emotional, cultural, community, environmental, religious, and spiritual needs; and assessing the patient’s responses to health status and interventions.  The student nurse is introduced to the effective methods of communication within the health care industry, including use of electronic health records. Includes case scenarios, clinical lab simulation and practice and clinical externship.


NUR 202        Care Management                4 Credit Hours

This course prepares the student nurse in providing and directing care of the patient that is within legal and ethical guidelines; protects the clients and their rights; understands the role of the nurse, the team, and the organization; and managing care within the scope of simulation and practice. Case scenario simulations and clinical simulation and practice scenarios will be used to augment learning.


NUR 205    Safety and the Environment of care        3 Credit Hours

This course teaches the importance safety awareness, strategies in place to identify, mitigate, and manage safety issues within the environment of care and while undertaking patient care. Includes but is not limited to patient identification, allergies, patient risks, environmental risks, biohazards; employing appropriate ergonomics and procedures when providing care; providing education on safety measures and equipment use; and security plan. Includes case scenarios, clinical lab simulation and practice and skills will be observed for all clinical externship experiences.


NUR 206        Infection Prevention and Control        3 Credit Hours

This class prepares the student nurse to participate in preventing and controlling infection using standard precautions, transmission-based precautions, and surgical asepsis, by apply principles of infection control, educating client and staff regarding infection control measures; assessing patient for signs and symptoms of infection; assessing the environment for sources of infection; and providing care and education for patients with blood borne diseases, including HIV/AIDS. Includes case scenarios, clinical lab simulation and practice, and skills will be observed for all clinical externship experiences.


NUR 208        Paradigms of Health            6 Credit Hours

Paradigms of Health course focuses on the promotion and maintenance of health along the age spectrum. The student is prepared to provide and direct nursing care of the client incorporating knowledge of expected growth and development principles; employ strategies to achieve optimal health; assessing, screening, providing care, and educating patients, family, and community. Includes case scenarios, clinical lab simulation and practice, and skills will be observed for all clinical externship experiences.


ENG 202        English Composition II        3 Credit Hours

In this course students will be introduced to skills and techniques used for critical, persuasive and research writing. After successfully completing the course, students should demonstrate increased ability in writing; analyzing and composing non-fictional text and have the ability to write a persuasive research essays.


NUR 212        Mental Health            4 Credit Hours

This course prepares the student nurse to provide and direct nursing care that promotes and supports the emotional, mental, and social well-being of the client experiencing stressful events and clients with acute or chronic mental illness including patient and family assessment, education, and intervention for various psychosocial disorders including addiction and violence. Includes case scenarios, clinical lab simulation and practice, and skills will be observed for all clinical externship experiences.


NUR 216        Medical/Surgical Nursing II        6 Credit Hours

This course prepares the student nurse to identify and respond to changes in patient’s health, and incorporate strategies to reduce the likelihood that clients will develop complications or health problems related to existing conditions, treatments or procedures relating to medical and surgical conditions. Includes case scenarios, clinical lab simulation and practice, and skills will be observed for all clinical externship experiences.

HIM 300    Health Information management and informatics        3 Credit Hours

This course introduces the student to Electronic Health Information, the legal, regulatory, ethical, and safety aspects of Electronic Health Records (EHR); understanding and effectively using and managing electronic health records

PHA 209        Pharmacology I                5 Credit Hours

This course prepares the student nurse with knowledge and skill required to provide care related to the administration of medications and parenteral therapies including patient medication education; assessment for allergies, contraindications, and potential interactions; Medication reconciliation; the administration of blood products, parenteral nutrition, and intravenous infusion; assessment and care of venous access devices; Titration of medication; and evaluation of patient response. Includes case scenarios, clinical lab simulation and practice, and clinical externship. Skills will be observed for all future clinical externship experiences.


NUR 213        Obstetrics and Gynecology            5 Credit Hours

This course prepares the student nurse to provide care for patients during the Antenatal, Intra-natal, and Post-partum periods of development and care of the Newborn Care including client assessment; providing care for clients experiencing complications of pregnancy/labor and/or delivery; Recognize cultural influences on childbearing simulation and practices; calculate expected delivery date; Provide education and discharge instructions.  Includes case scenarios, clinical lab simulation and practice, and skills will be observed for all clinical externship experiences.

NUR 302        Transitions to Professional Nursing     3 Credit Hours

A general survey course that provides a brief introduction to the key topics presented in a BSN program. This course assists the nurse to delineate professional nursing through subject areas taught at the bachelor’s level. The focus of this course is on the role of the nurse as the leader and manager and allows reflection on the current state of nursing simulation and practice.

NUR 400    Nursing Perspectives and Global Trends        3 Credit Hours

This course is an introduction to the current health care delivery systems on local, regional, national and global levels. Health care economics and health care policy plus their impacts on for profit health care models are reviewed. Growth of HMO's and health care systems in other countries are examined.


SPC 218        Public Speaking                3 Credit Hours

In this course students will learn and demonstrate the principles of speech preparation, organization and delivery are reviewed. Student will simulation and practice specialized types of speech communication experiences common to those called on to speak in public.


NUR 314         Nursing in a Multicultural Society        3 Credit Hours

This is a course that explores philosophical differences found in different cultures, religions and gender groups that may impact the health and health beliefs of clients. Additionally, this course explores the nurse’s role in providing culturally sensitive care.


PHA 309        Pharmacology II                3 Credit Hours

This is a course that builds on the principles of pharmacology including pharmacokinetic factors in drug therapy in relation to the major body systems and management of client health. Medication regulations, major drug classification prototypes, and the related nursing implications. Includes clinical lab experience and externship.


NUR 219        Disease Management             3 Credit Hours

This course prepares the student nurse to manage and provide care for clients with acute, chronic or life threatening physical health conditions; recognizing and responding to patients experiencing complications, adverse reactions, or medical emergencies. Includes case scenarios, clinical lab simulation and practice, and clinical externship. Skills will be observed for all future clinical externship experiences.

NUR 302    Advanced Pathophysiology                3 Credit Hours   

This course teaches the student to the pathophysiologic disruptions that result in the signs and symptoms of a disease in the human body across the lifespan. Assessment and analysis of objective and subjective manifestations of common health problems resulting from environmental, genetic and stress-related mal-adaptations are analyzed. Diagnostic assessments are discussed for each disease process.


NUR 460    Community Health Nursing                3 Credit Hours

The role of the nurse in dealing with family in crisis, gerontological issues, child bearing and child rearing family units and medical-surgical situations is explored. Historical, legal and ethical issues affecting adult/gerontological nursing are reviewed. Research on community nursing and its application to varied groups of clients within the community are examined. Students will investigate their community and its health care delivery system comparing results in the class.

NUR 219    Disease Management                6 Credit Hours

This course focuses on the various organs and systems, their functions, signs and symptoms of impaired functions, disease processes, tests used to identify the disease and the extent of disease, and strategies to control and manage the disease and symptoms of the disease.

NUR 320    Advanced Health Assessment            3 Credit Hours

In this course students will focus on complete health assessment, nursing process, health education and disease detection throughout the life span.


NUR 310    Clinical Decision Making (Critical Thinking)    3 Credit Hours

This course provides a conceptual understanding of the logical and critical thought processes required of the professional nurse. Students will build on the critical thinking coursework they learned in nursing foundations. Coursework will include individual and group projects designed to expand student decision making.

NUR 444    Applied Healthcare Ethics                3 Credit Hours

Students in this course will examine, through case studies, ethical dilemmas in health care and the decision-making processes involved in clinical, professional and organizational ethics. This course explores philosophical and faith based foundations including moral traditions, socio-cultural influences, professional codes, organizational and personal ethical standards.


STA 304        Statistics                    3 Credit Hours

Topics include probability, random variables, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, correlation, linear regression, small sample methods, and non-parametric statistics. Students will learn how statistical evaluations are utilized for developing, planning and implementing programs.


NUR 315            Pediatrics            4 Credit Hours

This course examines the growth and developmental theories and stages; prepares student nurses to meet the health care needs of the pediatric patient; care for the sick child, and administer to their special needs of the pediatric population. Includes case scenarios, clinical lab simulation and practice.

NUR 330    Nursing Administration and Management        3 Credit Hours

This course provides an introduction to the principles of administration and management related to health care. In this course students will explore the interconnected processes of thinking systematically, developing thoughtful judgment, and exercising management competencies needed to succeed in the nursing administration and management role in multipart organizations. Clinical scenarios are used to analyze application of skills and competencies. Students utilize self-reflection to evaluate their own management potential and apply concepts through discussions and class assignments.


NUR 410     Health Care Finance                    3 Credit Hours

In this course students will be introduced to the policies and politics of healthcare’s three persistent issues: access, cost and quality. Students will learn the roles of patients, physicians, hospitals, insurers, and pharmaceutical companies. The interaction between the government and these different groups will also be reviewed. The new legislation in healthcare and the effect the legislation has on entities will be discussed.

NUR 313            Geriatrics            5 Credit Hours

This course examines the theories of aging, changes associated with the aging process; prepares student nurses to meet the health care needs of the geriatric population; and administer to their special needs and considerations of the geriatric population. Includes case scenarios, clinical lab simulation and practice, and skills will be observed for all future clinical externship experiences.


NUR 426         Nursing Research                 3 Credit Hours

This course is designed to promote the student’s understanding of the research process, using critical judgment. Upon completion of the course the student should be able to review and utilize research findings in nursing and other disciplines which are relevant to clinical simulation and practice. Ethical, moral and legal issues are considered in relation to nursing research.


NUR 450    Nursing Leadership and Management        3 Credit Hours

This course prepares the student to coordinate and manage client care in diverse health care settings. Emphasis is placed on leadership and management theory and related skills, collaboration, delegation, coordination, and evaluation of multi-disciplinary work and the application of outcome-based nursing simulation and practice.


NUR 470    Nursing Capstone Experience            3 Credit Hours

The Capstone in the BSN program concentrates on strategic planning concepts as they apply to professional nursing simulation and practice. The course will prepare the student to apply the knowledge, skills and abilities learned from the previous courses in the Bachelors of Science in nursing program to nursing leadership role. This course will be taken in the last term of the BSN program.


Clinical Experience

The clinical component of the BSN program consists of a minimum of 50% of the qualified RN curriculum. The 50% clinical component includes scenario-based components, simulation learning, and clinical practice.


ECO 250    Economics                        3 Credit Hours

This course focuses on the principles of economics while exploring the economic history of the United States, the types of economies that exists, resources and utilization, markets and trade. This course also explores incomes among economic variables such as demand, supply, productivity, growth, inflation, to name a few.

LIT 251    Contemporary literature                3 Credit Hours

This course is designed to help the scholar identify what makes a writing contemporary, factors that affect the interpretation of a text, and the impact of current technologies on contemporary literature.  Faculty will identify contemporary text for examination.


LIT 252    American Literature                3 Credit Hours

This course focuses on the advent of the American literature, the inclusion of non-fiction; examines the role of poetry, short stories, visuals, culture etc. in the role of American Literary development. Examines diction, arguments, and use of resources.


LIT 253    Caribbean literature                3 Credit Hours

This course examines the history of the Caribbean and the influences on its literature. The course covers work from various islands in the Caribbean, and a book is chosen for analysis of the style, diction, format, presentation and the role of the cultural and geographic influence on the writings.


LIT 254    Hispanic-American Literature            3 Credit Hours

This course focuses on the Spanish-speaking Americas from the time of Columbus to Latin American Independence, this Very Short Introduction explores the origins of Latin American literature from the discovery period to Latin-American independence, and how Spanish literary language developed and flourished in the modern era.


ENG 255    Poetry                        3 Credit Hours

This course focuses on the elements of poetry, critical reading, and writing focused on poetry. Poetry infused with current slangs, contemporary stylings, humor, and universal topics are explored.


ETH 335    Contemporary ethical issues            3 Credit Hours

This course focuses on ethical subjects such as religion, utilitarianism, deontology, natural law ethics, virtue ethics, non-Western paradigms, feminist ethics, and care ethics. The course examines current ethical topics including euthanasia, sexual morality, economic justice, animal ethics, war, violence, globalization, same-sex marriage, structural racism, factory farming, pacifism, and global distributive justice.


MAN 215   Principals of Management and Human Relations      3 Credit Hours

This course is an overview of the discipline and field of human resource development and management and how it applies to the field of nursing. The course outlines the roles interpersonal relationships, leadership skills and problem solving regarding areas of employee counseling, discipline and termination. Equal Employment Opportunity will be discussed in order for the student to understand its need, importance and the legal issues surrounding it.


EVS 242    Environmental Science                3 Credit Hours

This course focuses on the science behind various environments, environmental events, and environmental issues. Environmental science course also includes data environmental data analysis.


SHS 104    Human Growth and Development        3 Credit Hours

This course focuses on the concepts and theories of life span development, the stages of human growth and development, developmental milestones at each stage of life, and practical applications of human growth and development to counseling and tailoring care and interactions with clients of any age, from toddlers to seniors

Based on the unique needs and abilities of each life stage.


SHS 124    Contemporary health issues            3 Credit Hours

This course focuses on issues affecting health in present times in areas including Healthcare reform, Women’s health, male’s health, reproduction, Bio-technology, bio-medicine, physical medicine, mental health, and public health and its social, political, and environmental dimensions.

Social and Human Services Assistant (AS) program

(82 Semester Hours)


Program Description


The Social and Human Services Assistant (AS) program is designed to facilitate career mobility for the students to become Social and Human Services Assistants. The program is designed to provide the educational experiences that will prepare graduates to succeed in Social and Human Services practice in the areas of addiction, aging, and community worker.


Entry to the Social and Human Services Assistant (AS) program requires a student to have completed the Practical Nursing program. The acceptance of previous course work for credit will be determined by the accepting institution, the College of Health and Allied Development on an individual basis.


Students will be required to complete courses in the areas of general education courses, pre-requisite courses, core nursing courses, and professional nursing courses to complete the 82 semester hour program.


The content of the Social and Human Services Assistant (AS) program course includes but is not limited to theoretical instruction, scenario-based learning, and clinical experience in addiction, community, and aging in various settings including acute care, long term care, community settings, and home settings.


The entire Social and Human Services Assistant (AS) program is five (5) semesters long comprising of one (1) mandatory course, five (5) general education courses, five (14) required courses, twelve (6) professional courses, and Internship/Externship/Field work equaling Eighty-two (82) semester hours.


Course Descriptions


ENG 100    APA and intro to College writing        1 Credit Hour

This course introduces students to the acceptable level of writing, the ethics of writing, reducing bias in writing, proper formatting, citation, and referencing in writing.


ENG 101        English Composition I            3 Credit Hours

This course prepares students for scholarly writing including sentence structure, grammar, writing research, and designing written work to clearly express thought, sequence, and for effect.


SPC 218        Public Speaking                3 Credit Hours

In this course students will learn and demonstrate the principles of speech preparation, organization and delivery are reviewed. Student will simulation and practice specialized types of speech communication experiences common to those called on to speak in public.


ALG 222        College Algebra                3 Credit hours

This course begins with a review of developmental algebra and transitions into the college level algebra.


EVS 242    Environmental Science                3 Credit Hours

This course focuses on the science behind various environments, environmental events, and environmental issues. Environmental science course also includes data environmental data analysis.


SHS 101    Fundamentals of Social and Human Services     3 Credit Hours

This course provides an introduction and orientation to the field of Human Services. The history, current concepts and roles of beginning professionals, community services and agencies are examined. The knowledge, ethics, skills and attitudes necessary to the field of Human Services are discussed. The student will demonstrate knowledge, ethical principles, skill and attitudes in practical application using the process of analysis and research of client needs and agency services.


PSY 214        Psychology                    3 Credit Hours

This course introduces psychological theories from behavioristic, humanistic and biological viewpoints.  Primary focus is on exploring how selected principles of psychology apply to students’ personal lives and social behavior. Students apply the skills of critical thinking, observation and information gathering and analysis as they simulation and practice social science and scientific methodology.


SOC 206        Sociology                    3 Credit Hours

This course provides a practical framework and a personal method for ethical thinking and decision-making on issues in contemporary society.  Students will analyze some of the major ethical dilemmas of the modern world.


HS 104    Human Growth and Development        3 Credit Hours

Introduces the student to the principles and processes of normal human growth and development. The student will understand and apply these concepts to specific age groupings, from conception through death. Principles of health promotion and disease prevention will be integrated with course content. Biopsychosocial forces will be studied in relation to their effects on the range of normal human behaviors.

Recommended Prerequisite: PSY 214


SHS 124    Contemporary health issues            3 Credit Hours

This course focuses on issues affecting health in present times in areas including Healthcare reform, Women’s health, male’s health, reproduction, Bio-technology, bio-medicine, physical medicine, mental health, and public health and its social, political, and environmental dimensions.


SHS 225    Health Concepts and Strategies            3 Credit Hours

Covers knowledge that applies to the promotion of good health of the individual, family and society. Emphasis is on various health needs defined as the physical, emotional, social, spiritual and intellectual aspects. Emphasis is placed upon stress management, disease prevention, fitness, nutrition and the development of an effective wellness lifestyle.


SHS 344    Ethics                            3 Credit Hours

Students in this course will understand the evolution of ethics; examine through case studies, ethical dilemmas in health care delivery, and the influence of culture, religion in decision-making


SHS 242    Case management                    3 Credit Hours

Students in this course will learn the collaborative process required in the assessment, planning, implementation, coordination, monitoring, and evaluation of the services required to meet the client's health and human service needs, and the available options.


SHS 125    Personality Development                3 Credit Hours

This course provides a summary of the major personality theories. The course emphasizes an exposure and analysis of the theories that explain the development of personality and the effect that personality has in individual and group behaviors.

Prerequisite: PSY 214


SHS 276    Cultural Competence                 3 Credit Hours

This course explores the different cultural groups and major cultural influences of health and health decisions, and health care provider’s role in delivering culturally sensitive care.


SHS 241    Patient and family assessment and evaluation          3 Credit Hours

This course outlines strategies to identify current problems and their effects on the individual patient, and on the family as a unit; and to evaluate methods the individual and family utilizes in managing such problems


SHS 128    Introduction to psychotherapy            3 Credit Hours

his course provides an overview of current approaches to psychological counseling and psychotherapy including psychoanalysis, client-centered, Gestalt, transactional analysis, reality therapy, behavior therapy, and rational-emotive therapy. The course examines basic issues in counseling and psychotherapy, including ethical issues. Emphasis is on both the theory and practical applications of the various approaches.

Prerequisite: PSY 214


SHS 106    Interviewing and counselling            3 Credit Hours

This course teaches skills, knowledge and attitudes for counseling, interviewing, and problem solving as used in therapy or in everyday situations. The course develops counseling skills for the client-counselor relationship. The students will learn and practice problem-solving techniques, which help the client identify problems and work systematically for solutions. Interviewing is taught as a component of the counseling process. Techniques used in assessing the client and the problems are taught as part of the total process.

Prerequisite: PSY 214


HIM 300    Health Information management and informatics   3 Credit Hours

This course introduces the student to Electronic Health Information, the legal, regulatory, ethical, and safety aspects of Electronic Health Records (EHR); understanding and effectively using and managing electronic health records


SHS 329    Internship/Externship/Field work        3 Credit Hours

Students complete a minimum of 96 hours of Social and Human Services field work during the semester with related assignments.

Pre-requisites: SHS 106, SHS 241, PSY 214   


SHS 261    Abnormal Psychology                3 Credit Hours

This course explores the major categories of psychological disorders. Major emphases include diagnostic criteria, current research, treatment methods, cultural factors, ethical issues and the impact of psychological disorders on individuals, families and society.

Prerequisite: PSY 214


SHS 207    Counselling the chemically dependent person             3 Credit Hours

This course provides an overview of counseling/treatment modalities used in chemical dependency. It addresses the pathology of chemical dependency and provides knowledge of helping resources. Discussion and critique are used as teaching tools. This course meets or exceeds the requirements of most Florida licensing and certification boards' HIV/AIDS requirements.


SHS 204    Addictive Comportments                3 Credit Hours

This course outlines the historical concepts of addiction, identifies the types of addiction, and the typical behaviors associated with addiction.


SHS 205    Addiction assessment and Treatment planning 3 Credit Hours

This course enables students to master the core functions of screening, intake and assessment in addiction treatment. Students will study the process of identifying problems, establishing goals, and deciding on a treatment plan for clients.


SHS 308    Group Counselling strategies and skills            3 Credit Hours

In this course, students will acquire knowledge of group processes and practices in group counseling. Students will be introduced to different types of groups and understand how theory guides practice. Group counseling, as it specifically relates to addictions, is emphasized.

Prerequisite: PSY 214


SHS 265    Dual Diagnosis                    3 Credit Hours

This course acquaints students with concepts of chemical dependence, co-occurring disorders and related diagnostic criteria. It also provides students with an introduction to psychopharmacology and an overview of drugs and their effects.   


SHS 278    Community Assessment                3 Credit Hours

This course prepares the student to examine the community and its population and to identify tribal, local, or territorial health needs and issues through a systematic, comprehensive data collection and analysis process.


SHS 267    Community Services Resources            3 Credit Hours

This course focuses on the services available within the community that provides assistance with health care, employment, educational, legal, housing, counseling, and transportation needs, and other identified needs of the community.


SHS 271    Family structures                    3 Credit Hours

This course identifies the traditional, current, and emerging family structures within society and how family support is adjusted.


SHS 274    Assessment of the Family                 3 Credit Hours

This course prepares the student to understand the family functioning, family systems, family functional strengths, and needs within the family


SHS 275    Family-centered care                3 Credit Hours

This course focuses the students on care of the family. The family as a unit is the patient and the care planning, delivery, and evaluation of health care is achieved through mutually beneficial partnerships among health care providers and families to deliver emotional, social, and developmental support.


SHS 277    Client/family/Community education        3 Credit Hours

This course prepares the student to provide culturally relevant formal and informal education that raise awareness and support for the client/family/community.  This course highlights community education resources such as self-help groups in the community that teaches client/family/community members how they can help each other.


SHS 114    The aging process                    3 Credit Hours

This study of the aging process includes psychological, sociological, and biological factors related to the process of growing old. Special emphasis is placed on demography, income, employment, physical health, mental health, housing, transportation, and criminal victimization. Also included are the Older Americans Act, the Area Councils on Aging and Multi-Purpose Human Services Resources (local, state and national).


SHS 117    Elder abuse                         3 Credit Hours

This course highlights the risk, prevalence, and effects of elder abuse by a caregiver or any other person that causes harm or risk of harm to a vulnerable adult, and examination of the legislatures in to prevent and prosecute elder abuse, and process of identifying and reporting elder abuse.


SHS 223    Cultural influences on aging process        3 Credit Hours

This course examines how the aging process and roles vary among cultures, the preconceived notions and stereotypes about aging and the value different cultures place on aging.


SHS 115    Role changes and the aging process        3 Credit Hours

This course examines the aging process and how roles changes based on age and developmental stage; and examines our attitudes and beliefs about the aging process and the role of the elderly in family and society


SHS 116    Death and dying                    3 Credit Hours

Examines issues and problems associated with death and dying resulting from changes in society encompassing grief, funeral practices, widowhood, suicide, life beyond death, moral and ethical issues.


SHS 118    Support services for the aging            3 Credit Hours

This course explores the federal, state, and community initiatives and programs that provide support for the aging population, caregivers, and families   


Clinical Research Associate

(22 Credit Hours)


Program Description


The Clinical Research Associate program provides a sequential series of courses designed to provide knowledge and skills required to be a successful Clinical Research Associate in the areas of pharmaceuticals, biologics, or devices.


The entire Clinical Research Associate program 6 months long with four (4) required courses and five (5) professional courses for a total of 22 credit hours.


Course Descriptions


ENG 100        APA                        1 Credit Hours

This course introduces students to the acceptable level of writing, the ethics of writing, reducing bias in writing, proper formatting, citation, and referencing in writing.

ALG112        Algebra                1 Credit Hours

This course provides required algebraic skills required for the Clinical Research Associate including solving problems using equation and the study of abstractions.


CR 111    Introduction to Clinical Research        1 Credit Hours

This course informs the students of the job functions of the Clinical Research Associate, laboratory terminology, tests, and procedures.


ETH 244        Applied Ethics        3 Credit Hours

This course will examine, through case studies, ethical dilemmas in health care and the decision-making processes involved in clinical, professional and organizational ethics. This course explores philosophical and faith based foundations including moral traditions, socio-cultural influences, professional codes, organizational and personal ethical standards and its application to clinical research.


CR 216    Investigational Product Management        3 Credit Hours

This course informs the student of the general management of Investigational product such as packaging, inventory, product accountability, product storage, labeling, Development, product compliance, and Accountability record.


CR 219    Research protocols        3 Credit Hours

This course introduces the student to protocol development, submission, and approval procedures; Clinical trial, Study design characteristics, Study objective, procedures, submission, approval procedures, Inclusion/exclusion criteria, and Statistical plan


CR 221    Safety in the Research environment        3 Credit Hours

This course emphasizes safety in the research environment through safety monitoring of subject and the clinical databases; identifying safety issues, Vulnerable subject populations; learn safety reporting requirement and reporting Adverse events and Serious adverse events.


CR 223        Clinical Trial management        3 Credit hours

This course outlines the contract budget negotiations and approval process, project feasibility and project timelines; monitoring guidelines, plan, and tools;  Study project tools, staff qualifications, staff roles and responsibilities, data management activities, staff oversight, investigator qualifications, site selection, ancillary staff education; sample collection, shipment, and storage; and disposition of unused study-related materials, equipment, and supplies; and equipment and supply storage

CR 225        Trial Oversight            3 credit hours

This course focuses on clinical research management, preparing for audit, regulatory standards, monitoring guidelines, and investigator supervision requirements.

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About us

College of Health and Allied Development is the only school in Palm Beach County offering efficient Non-traditional College programs that prepare students for careers in-demand areas such as such as Nursing, Case Management, Psychology, Clinical Research, Public Health, addiction rehabilitation, and recovery.